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Pendle Hill Artist in Residency

Today is my first full day at Pendle Hill. It started off with a lovely breakfast. After that I went for a walk around the Loop Trail, stopped by the garden, and visited Owen's Garden. Then I went to the studio and started to move in some of my tools. That was followed by a lovely lunch of Tuna Salad. I signed up for a Young Adult Friends (YAF) conference called Continuing Revolution: Integrity as a Radical Act and have been taking care of some odds and ends. Then after a fantastic dinner I went to the Community Art Center and watched a handbuilding class. I am thoroughly excited to see where this 9 week journey will take me. Stay tuned for more posts and more photos.

This is my room at Pendle Hill.
The view out my window.
View from breakfast.

May Apples that I saw on my walk around campus. They always remind me of working in the woods with my grandfather.

Owen's Garden.

A rose at the garden.

Some of the garden that I will be working in this summer.

More of the garden.

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